2010 m. lapkričio 22 d., pirmadienis


During the last semester of studying english I had to do a variety of exercises including ESP vocabulary tests, online exercises, moodle tests, summaries, online listening and traditional listening, presentations, impromptu and prepare short talks. It is important to evaluate my performance on these tasks.

ESP vocabulary tests
Some vocabulary tests were easy to do but some were not. My performance on this taks was quite good and I am happy about it.
Online exercise
I did not perform on this taks very well because it was a team work. Although it is more interesting to do it in the class than at home, I found it useless to do.
Moodle tests
In my opinion this task was the most boring and useless of all tasks. My performance was good but I do not think that this exercise improved my english.
Summary writting
In my opinion writting summary is one of the most interesting and useful tasks. This task helps to improve comprehension of material, writting and grammar skills. Iam glad about my performance on this task, although sometimes I found it difficult to write a good summary. I think I still need more practise.
Online listening and traditional listening
I enjoyed doing listening because it was interesting and improved my listening skills. Even though listening tasks weren't very difficult, sometimes I needed to hear it twice. I can say that iam satisfied with my performance on online listening but I still need to improve traditional listening skills.
Making presentation
I found this task interesting but also stressful. The process of making presentation was interesting but presenting it caused me a little stress. Even though this task is beneficial because you have to find right information and present it creatively. Iam satisfied with my performance on this task but with more experience I could improve it.
Speaking impromptu
Speaking impromptu was probably the most difficult task for me. I found it hard to express myself and use material that I had read before. I still need more practise on this task.
Short talks
This task was pretty easy to do because we usually had plenty time to prepare for it. Althousome themes were not easy to talk about, I am happy with my performance on it.

All n all, I can say that this semester I gained more knowlegde and improved my english skills. Of course my performance in some tasks could be better but over all Iam satisfied with my performence.

2010 m. lapkričio 11 d., ketvirtadienis

Personality type versus behavior

Every personality is unique and has a dynamic and organized set of characteristics that influences his or her cognition, motivation, and behavior in various situations. Psychologists have attempted to find a relation between personality type and behavior. Although different scientists suggest different personality types.

One of the best known classification is simply extraversion versus introversion or in other words outgoing and physical-stimulation-oriented versus quiet and physical-stimulation-averse people. According to this theory, there are only two types of people, extraverts and introverts. Extraverts usually are initiative, open, and talkative. They tend to say what they think and make new friends easily. Whereas introverts are usually reserved, quiet and thoughtful. They prefer working alone and have difficulties in making new contacts.

Lewis Goldberg a five-dimention personality model, nicknamed the 'Big Five'. The first dimension of this model is openness to experience. People tend to be imaginative, independet, and interested in variety or people tend to be practical, conforming, and interested in routine. The second dimension is conscientiousness, in which people have the tendency to be organized, careful, and disciplined or disorganized, careless, and impulsive. The third dimension is extraversion. This dimension describes people as sociable, fun-loving, and affectionate versus retiring, somber, and reserved. The fourth of the 'Big Five' is agreeableness. This dimension describes the tendency to be softhearted, trusting, and helpful or ruthless, suspicious, and uncooperative. Finally, the fifth is neuroticism: the tendency to be calm, secure, and self-satisfied or anxious, insecure, and self-pittying.

Another way to describe personality is using behavior patterns. There are two main behavior patterns, Type A behavior pattern and Type B behavior pattern. Type A behavior pattern is a cluster of behavior involving hostility, competitiveness, time urgency and feeling driven. In contrast, the Type B behavior pattern is characterized by a patient, cooperative, noncompetitive, and nonaggresive manner.

All in all, it is clear that personality type is related to a certain behavior. Although it is hard to classify people into specific categories because everyone has very differen features.

